90 Day Body Revolution....take # 94

Ever get up in the morning stand in your closet surrounded by clothes for about 20 min and still walk out wrapped in the same towel you walked in with?  That's me everyday!!  I walk in, take a look around, try on a few pairs of fabulous stilettos, that I NEVER wear anymore....yes, still in my towel....then turn around and walk out.  I have a stack of pre-prego skinny jeans, dresses that used to hug the curves in all the right ways, blouses, tanks, tees and more.  And lets not forget the "club collection" hiding in the back corner of the closet with sky high hemlines, plunging necklines, and backless tops that all scream look at me!  I'm pretty sure I should just donate this entire section to the goodwill, but it kind of feels like I would be killing a part of me that used to dance the night away and look AMAZING doing it....at least that's what I told myself, but ladies lets be honest, anyone who's really just danced for 3 hours in a stilettos and a mini in a hot sweaty night club looks more like a hot mess at 1AM than the fierce sexy mama that left the house at 9 PM....a different person comes home than left the house! 

So each morning I stand there stuck between flashbacks of my club days, skinny days, and now what I like to call my Post Prego disaster.  In the past year I've started diet plan after diet plan, workout plan after workout plan, and I've quit them all!  I've joined 24 Hour Fitness, but Lord and Baby Jesus who wants to get up at 5 am to drop your kid off by 6 am to go to the gym before work?  It lasted about 2 weeks.  Then there was the plan to walk/run everyday after work.  But who wants to work for 9 hours only to come home and try and walk/run and then do dinner, bath time, playtime, and bedtime with an infant?  3 days later, I quit that plan.  Then came a round of several different work out videos, Denise Austin you can kiss my ass!  I quit each of those.  I even joined a weight loss competition with a friend and her circle of friends that cost $20 to get involved, I lost my $20.  And I won't even start into the string of diets, lets just say, Epic Fail. 

So once again this week I've been struck with my Ah Ha moments that have motivated me to get back on my way to fabulous. 

Ah Ha Moment 1
When recently visiting a friend I hadn't seen since pre- pregnancy we were catching up about things old and new.  He told me you look really beautiful.....awe so sweet.  Then a little later he reached over grabbed my arm and said "What happened to your "guns"?  Wow, really, had to go there huh?  My only response, "I was hard and toned, now I'm squishy."  Damn you prego weight!

Ah Ha Moment 2
Earlier this week during my daily outfit dilemma I noticed a pair of grey dress pants in the back corner of the closet and decided maybe I'll try those on.  I got them out, pulled them on and Yes!  Victory is mine! A pair of pants that fit!  Did i forget to mention that these are the maternity pants I bought towards the beginning of my pregnancy?  Did I wear them to work, you bet your sweet ass I did!  They don't have zippers, or buttons, they don't pinch, they don't ride, it was like sweatpants and I'm not ashamed to say it was AWESOME!  Nothing says hey fat girl like wearing your maternity pants when your kid is 14 months old, but I was comfortable for at least a day! 

That was the day I decided I have a problem.  So step one: I have officially donated all maternity clothes, just in case I get the urge to wear them again.  Step two: I've started the Jillian Michaels 90 Body Revolution, again.  I'm 3 days into the workouts and I'm pretty sure I want to quit, but I won't, not this time!  My legs feel like jelly and I'm pretty sure my arms will never work properly again, I can't raise them above my head.  But damn it, Jillian Michaels has promised me the body of my dreams in 90 days.....maybe I shouldn't have had that york peppermint patti at lunch.  Hmmmm, oh well its 70% less fat than a regular candy bar right?

So to all you ladies out there, Mammas or not, I know you feel my pain when it comes to finding time to work out and finding the will power to eat right.  But the better we feel, the better role models we will be for our kids and those around us.  Don't get me wrong a part of me is putting myself through the pain of an intense workout so that I can look in the mirror again and say my butt looks great in these skinny jeans, but a bigger part of me is making a lifestyle change for my health, both physical and mental, and so that I can provide a healthy lifestyle and body image for my daughter. Now being able to stop someone in their tracks with my rocking new body....that will just be an extra perk for this fabulous Mamanista!


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