Chuck Taylors, sweatpants, tanktop, no makeup....wait what??

Mommyhood, the most amazing, wonderful journey a woman will EVER experience.  The journey began with a little test that confirmed your suspicions, a little stick that you peed on told you the answer that you had been hoping for.  That should have been our first clue that even though this is going to be the best adventure of your life, its not always going to be the most glamorous adventure.  And from that day the adventure began. Your hormones raged, your big beautiful belly grew, some days you loved everyone, some days you hated everyone, you prepared a nursery and bought an ungodly amount of clothes for your up and coming bundle of joy.  You read every book on the shelves that walked you step by step through every crazy change that was about to take place, leading you to constantly say "This sh&* can NOT be normal."  You anxiously awaited the day your little bundle would make their appearance and you could hold them in your arms.  And lets be honest ladies you secretly or maybe not so secretly awaited the day you could see your feet again and wear something, ANYTHING that isn't an empire waist, ruched on the sides, or had a "belly panel."  My pregnancy journey ended with the arrival of the most amazing, beautiful little girl I could have ever asked for.  She was healthy and perfect in every way.  I was on cloud 9 and could not wait to get home from the hospital, and out of my hospital gown and mesh hospital edition "Victoria Secret" boyshorts, and step on the scale to see how much weight I had instantly lost.  She weighed 7lbs 8 oz....wait what? I should be having at least a 40lb child, I gained 51 lbs in 9 months!  Oh well, they say with breastfeeding it will all just melt way.  Two days later we were headed home with our princess.....and I was still in my mesh Vicki Secrets because I forgot to bring my own, that should have been a sign of things to come. 

The next few months brought with it a roller coaster of a ride.  Figuring out this new little person was a rough job.  I'm pretty sure God wasn't thinking things through when He created us, if He was He would have let us come straight out of the womb talking.  Trying to figure out what each cry means at 3 AM when you haven't slept more than 3 hours straight for 3 weeks is almost a cruel joke.  He also would have made getting that little miracle out as much fun as it was getting it in, but that's a whole different story.

My story took a turn of its own at 8 weeks when my course and plan changed and my Fiancee and I decided to part ways and go the route of co-parenting.  My little princess is now 14 months old and the last year has flown past.  There have been tears and laughter, the first roll over, the first crawl, eating solid foods, the first steps, the first time I've experienced the 3 P's.....peed on, pooped on, puked on...thank God not all at the same time.  The first word, Dada, wouldn't you know it.  We Mama's answer to their every need at all hours of the day and the first word they say is Dada, little traitors.  We have moved to a new place and adjusted to being on our own and all along the way I have done my best to put her needs first and loved every minute of it. 

In the last year my little princess has become a little Fashionista.  Her shoe collection could cause jealously among the playground crowd.  Who doesn't need silver metallic sandals, glitter ballet flats, glitter tennis shoes, hot pink jellies, pink and black Jordans, a fresh pair of white Chucks and many more?  Her closet will bring out an OMG in even the most manly man around.  She's dressed to the 9's no matter where we go, even her jammies are fabulous. 

In the past year I have said the following at least once a week, "I have got to lose the rest of this weight and get my fabulous back."  And every week I find a reason to put it off until the next week.  I'm sick, the baby is sick, I had to pull an all nighter for work, I had to pull an all nighter just because the baby wanted to.  I still have 25 lbs to lose and I've started at least 10 diet plans.  What happened to my will power....oh yeah, its called single parenting, my will power is now spent on trying not to freak out when my little tornado empties the pantry, gets out every toy, and rearranges the closet all in the time it took me to pee.  I have to tell myself you can't be mad, her speed and destruction is downright impressive!! 

Oprah always talks about having your Ah Ha moment.  Well in the past week I have had 2 of those moments. 

Ah Ha Moment 1
After pulling an all nighter for work and the project still not being completed I had to wake up my little one at 5:45 AM and take her into the office with me, needless to say she was not pleased.  I had taken just enough time to jump in the shower, throw myself together and head out.  The little fashionista on the other hand had her fabulous floral spring jammies on and her hair in a pony tail, looking amazingly cute.  While standing in the office talking to a coworker this lady said "Look how cute she is!  And look at you, you look so tired.  When I first started here you were so fashionable, and now your so casual, no makeup, hair not dried.  I guess that's the life of a mom." 

Wow....really?  Is that me?  I said I would never be that girl, I was going to be the fabulous mama.  I looked in the mirror and the person staring back was not me.  Hair wet, makeup on but I had forgotten mascara, skinny jeans, a tank, and an over sized cardigan(that i wore while prego) and chucks...yes I actually wore that to work. 

Ah Ha Moment 2
This morning we got up and decided to start our day with a trip to Target.  We got ready and headed out.  I went casual and of course I was accompanied by a toddler in jeggings, sparkly tee, black and white stripped boyfriend cardi, and silver tennis shoes.  While in the grocery section picking up some Cheerios I see one of the most gorgeous men I've seen in a long time headed my way.  He stops next to us, OMG this guy is to die for, he reaches across to grab some cheerios as well.  I give my best "I'm so cute and sexy smile."  But in return I get more of a this girl has lost her mind look.  What?  Not even a smile?  He must be crazy.  Then I round the corner and catch a glimpse of myself in the window of the frozen food section.  Baggy black capris, tank top, grey hoodie, black chucks, hair in a knot on top of my head, next to no makeup, a binkie on my finger like a ring, a couple of half eaten yogurt bites stuck to my shirt.  Well, that explains it.  Who is this person?? 

So welcome to my new journey.  I'm a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and have a Love Affair with fashion, and my current look does not prove that!  My goal is to prove that any Mama can be a Mamanista, not just celebrities.  Even the single mama on a serious budget can be Fabulous while still being the best Mama out there!  We will always put the needs of our little ones first, but we all still need to learn that the better we feel, the better Mama we will be.  Everyone deserves a little me time and a little fabulous no matter how many babies you have!   Welcome to my journey from Mama to Mamanista. 


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