Easy Peasy!! 5 Min Fabulous
Just as I stand in my closet every morning debating what clothes are going to cover up a multitude of areas that still need work, I stand in front of the mirror debating what to do with my hair. There was a time in my life where I would spend hours styling my hair, trying out new looks, new colors, and the latest trends. One day straight, the next day back to my signature curls. I've always told myself that my long brunette curls are very Julia Roberts and glam....let me believe what I want! There have been several times where I got the guts to chop it all off, be a little edgy...one time it was a little more Soccer Mom than edgy, but lets not talk about that. Now the only time my hair is straight is when its just been cut and professionally straightened, because I do not have the time, or probably more accurately, the patience to do it. So I find myself resorting to the pony tail on a regular basis. And more often than that, the messy top knot. Why is it when I see these styles in magazines they look glamorous, and sexy, and the messy bun still looks oh so perfect? Yet when I do it I look like I've just finished a 5K or just had my world rocked!! Now if either of those things had just happened I don't think I'd complain, but since that is not the case I'm pretty sure I can count it as a styling fail!! Lately I've been seeing posts of all these gorgeous girls sporting these big full buns, looking effortlessly chic....so jealous!! After failing several times to recreate these looks I thought "What's a girl to do?" Ummm...hello....Google it! God I love the era we live in, everything you ever wanted, or didn't want to know is just a click away. I found the solution to my problems. Chic, fabulous, easy peasy, 5 minute hair....for free!!! All I needed was a hair tie, an old tube sock, and a pair of scissors and within 5 minutes I had that chic, fabulous bun I wanted! I've worn my hair this way twice this week and gotten countless compliments and been asked how to do it. So here you go ladies, if you don't already know this little trick it is SO worth it!!! If you need more instructions Google it and you will find videos and pics galore! Want to make it extra fancy, add a bow, flower, ribbon, or even wrap a long necklace around it to add some bling, the possibilities are endless. So I ask myself, this is so easy, why didn't I think of this before....and then I remembered. Oh that's right, I'm lucky to remember my name on a daily basis, let alone come up with something so genius and easy!!!
Decided to spice it up with a flower clip this morning!
**Pic taken from Google images**
i love you and your sock BUNS!