The Right Stuff!

Over the last few weeks I've been asked several times why I don't post more often.....and the answer is, I didn't really know what to say.  I had all these ideas when I first started this, what I wanted to share, what I wanted to accomplish, and overall just a creative outlet.  I think I expected to find a path to my fairytale happy ending if i pushed outside of my comfort zone and shared my progress and my failures with people.  But as I read through my posts...and there are only a few...I have to laugh at all of the things i have started and quit in just the past few months.  But i guess that's life, that's called finding the path that works for you.  Maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe its about the story. 

Starting a New Chapter
I don't know about all my fellow Mommies out there but I know i go through stages where i feel like something is missing.  But how can that be, how can something be missing when I have the most amazing thing the world could offer, Princess A??  Yet still I find I feel like something is missing.  I've tried dating recently.....that's a whole different post.  Single Mom dating, now there is challenge for you!  If you want a challenge screw the "Squat Challenge" take on one month of trying to date as a single mother and let me know the outcome, its not for the weak!  What I've found from dating was that a man was not what was missing from my life. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to find that perfect, best friend, romance of my life...i mean he does exist right?  But that doesn't seem to be what's missing.  Sometimes all it takes is a girls night out to put things into perspective and show you what's missing. 

Picture this....thousands of 30 something year old women packed into a stadium, the lights go down, the stage lights up, and the place erupts in an almost deafening pitch of screams as NKOTB appears on stage!!!  That's New Kids on the Block for those of you who have forgotten over the years!  All the sudden you're 13 again and reminded of how in love you are with Joey, Donnie, Danny, Jordan, and Johnathan.  Its been 25 years of NKOTB and let me tell you they are just as amazing!  I had the biggest crush on Joey, and while he's still adorable, this concert created an adult crush on Donnie Walhberg and I'm not afraid to admit it!  I mean the man is clearly proud of his hard work to keep those six pack abs and I'm pretty sure I have hearing damage from the screams when he finally ripped his shirt off.  Make fun all you want, but its one of the best concerts I've ever been to and was a much needed girls night of belting out songs and forgetting all of the stress for a few hours.  I mean really, who can think of bills and daycare while screaming "Oh Oh Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh Oh, Oh Oh Oh Oh, The Right Stuff!!"  And work was definitely the last thing on my mind while waving my hands in the air to "Hanging Tough" 

It was a much needed night that reminded me that what was missing was a little bit of me.  Taking the time to still enjoy the things that make me happy.  Concerts, theater, fashion, the arts....that's what sparks my creative, passionate side.  I find myself feeling guilty when I ask someone to watch Princess A so that I can do something for me....feels almost selfish.  What I've found is selfish is not taking the time every now and thing to do those things for me.  The happier and more fulfilled we are as parents, the better atmosphere and adventures we can create for our kids.  I came back from girls night feeling great, i had spent a few hours with great friends doing something that I loved.  It's a story i can share with Princess A someday, and hopefully she will have the same love for the arts. 

So if you're feeling stuck maybe you just need a girls night out.  Maybe you need a blast from the past to make you realize you need a break, you deserve it!!  And if the chance comes your way to be one of the 30 somethings screaming your head off in a homemade beadazzeled NKOTB t-shirt, i highly recommend it, you will not regret it!! 


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